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Daughters of Tith


Glossary of terms

This glossary aims to be spoiler free but will likely contain information that may have been missed in the denser early chapters. It should not negatively affect reading experience :).


* singular and plural of the word is the same


kandar* | tevadra* | devoshai* | dodenzinn* | pandinzori | rendinzori | Derkra | Water Side | Calendrai | Cens | Tith | Land Side | Black Valley | Ovaeron | Tchar | Dani | Coralynth | the nine human worlds | the nine Earths | the nine hundred | the shift | guardian | World Tree | World Seed | Root of the World



A created guardian race who were given one purpose: guide and inspire the humans of the nine Earths.

See more for details/appearance



Female kandar.



Male kandar.



A “soulmate” pairing between one tevadra and one devoshai which is often a physical attachment rather than an emotional one. Kandar are born as halves and need their dodenzinn to be whole beings.



The magic of the kandar. Visible to kandar as a kind of omnipresent light that floats over the world. Concentration differs in different places. Made by trees. Invisible to humans.



Human magic. Invisible to kandar. The kandar know very little about it except that its application and results differ between the human worlds.



The homeworld of the kandar. One of the eleven worlds of existence. Derkra consists of an infinite plane that is half water and half land (desert). There is one island in the water and one valley in the desert.


Water Side:

The half of Derkra that is water. The water is completely still, with no plant or animal life in it.



The only island on Water Side. Home of the kandar since just after the kandaran war. The island is roughly circular, with three kandaran trees at its center, whose canopies cover a clearing. The clearing is surrounded by a living forest.



The living forest that encircles the three kandaran trees at the centre of Calendrai.



Kandaran tree. Dark brown, straight trunk and branches with rough bark and emerald leaves. Tith stands at the centre of the island Calendrai with his two "brothers" (Ahron and Sirrhon), and is the father of the five sisters: Jaydin, Sandin, Damarin, Kadailin, and Tchardin.


Land Side:

The half of Derka that is land. The land is entirely desert, patterned with concentric rings of massive dunes with Black Valley at their center. The dunes haven’t moved since the beginning of time. There is no plant or animal life on Land Side outside Black Valley.


Black Valley:

A depression between two of the dunes on Land Side. Black Valley is the birthplace of the kandar. A kandaran tree (Ovaeron) stands at the centre of the valley and under his branches are the nine hundred desert trees that birthed the first kandar.



Kandaran tree. Black curving trunk and branches with blood-red leaves. Ovaeron stands at the centre of Black Valley and is the father of all kandar, through Tchar.



Tevadra. First of the kandar. Sometimes called the queen of existence.



Devoshai. Second of the kandar. Tchar’s dodenzinn.



One of the eleven worlds of existence. Home of Tchar and Dani.


the nine human worlds:

Nine of the eleven worlds of existence. Called World One, World Two…World Nine by the kandar. Some are infinite, flat planes like Derkra, some consist only of the round Earth, and some have space and other planets.


the nine Earths:

Each of the nine human worlds hold one of the nine Earths. The nine Earths are the homes of the humans of existence.


the nine hundred:

Depending on context, "the nine hundred" will refer to either the kandar (the original nine hundred kandar born at the beginning of time--which excludes Tchar, Dani, and the nine guardians) or the nine hundred trees who birthed them.


the shift:

Also referred to as "the water between the worlds". The shift is the space behind existence that connects the eleven worlds. Before their exile the kandar used the shift to travel to Coralynth and from there to the nine Earths.



Each Earth has a guardian kandar. Guardians are whole kandar and do not have dodenzinn. They sometimes rest in their adoptive fathers--the World Trees--but are reborn with their memories. Thus, guardians who have not been replaced will have a memory of their Earth since the beginning of time.


World Tree:

Each Earth has a World Tree, who is the adoptive father of the guardian of that Earth.


World Seed:

The World Seed grows on the World Tree when an Earth must be restarted. Typical appearance is of a shiny, spherical red seed about the size of a human fist.


Root of the World:

The root that grows and feeds the World Tree. A world will not die if the World Tree has died, but the Root of the World must survive for there to be any chance of rebirth.

More on kandar:

The kandar are the children of the trees, born fully grown from the trunks of their fathers. They return to their fathers when it’s time for them to rest. When they rest they are reset, to be born again--with no memory of their old lives--as the new generation.


The kandar belong to a telepathic hive mind which includes all kandar: called "the collective" or "the collective mind". Humans can also appear in the collective mind.


The kandar are descended from humans and their bodies are mostly human in appearance. Their skin is not uniform in colour, instead having a pattern of dapples like the shadows of leaves on a forest floor. Basic skin colours range from almost white to nearly black. Their hair and skin are not affected by age or the elements, appearing the same from birth until rest.


Each kandar has an aura that other kandar can see. The aura is made of pandinzori and shines in the same way, but has a colour associated with it. Aura colours exist in a range of earth tones from black to white, with most being different shades of brown or green. When a kandar controls pandinzori that pandinzori will take on a slight cast of their aura colour. A kandar born with a golden aura is meant to be queen.


Kandaran bodies are covered in shifting shadows, which are drawn to them.

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