November is over and after approx. a week of doing almost nothing, I'm starting to take stock of where I'm at with TTN.
TTN is THE TWIN NOVEL (so basically untitled at this point lol). It's the first thing I've written without a proper outline...and it shows hahahaha. It's sitting at 50K words after NaNo and I'm not sure how much is actually left. I'm hoping to get it to 75K words total for the first draft, but because I can't guarantee I have 25K words of material remaining I'm going to make December's goal only 15K words...
I think I can get 15K words more before the end. But 65K words does not a novel make (at least not for me) so I'll aim to back-fill 5-10K additional words, they just won't be on the official goal.
When I started the draft I knew the three main characters very well, and I knew the book was trying to answer questions about building a perfect world:
What is a perfect world?
Who gets to decide?
Can you do the things necessary to build one without disqualifying yourself from living there when you're done?
It was also meant to look at the sex and gender binaries with the goal of showing they're not actually binaries. Or, as with all my work, to explore this question as fully as possible without the aim of specifically deciding anything...
I think it does all these things to some degree, but it's a mess!
The 2nd draft will be nice. Currently the 2nd draft is not in the writing calendar (which is scheduled up to 2028 LOL) but I assume I'll fit it in sometime next year if I can get a solid 1st draft done now.
So I guess now that I have a goal it's time to get back to it!